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<<2002-11-14|5:27 p.m.>>
dont trust anyone who bleeds every 16 days.

16 days ago i had a period. it wasnt long and it wasnt short, it was perfectly timed, it came 28 days after my last one from that. so why now is my period 12 days early? there's no reason for this unless every woman who gets the flu gets her period at the same time.

this actually has pissed me off b/c i've never had a funny cycle, my cycle has always been dead serious. i know people who have 34 day cycles, i know people who have (women, specifically) 40 day cycles and i know women who have 60 day cycles.

so why have i just become the 16 day cycle woman?

i never ACTUALLY wanted a title, i'm quite happy to continue my life being "fallon, the normal cycle girl"

so, yeah, that was my excitement for the day.

i'm supposed to be seeing Liz for a coffee tomorrow and going out with Holly tomorrow night, but i'm still ill so i might postpone it to saturday night and i was supposed to be going out with Jaime too, but holly doesnt like jaime and i dont want to make anyone uncomfortable. unlike my period.


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Reflection - 2008-07-19
sleep vs awake - 2008-07-19
It's like space cadet, but not. - 2006-06-22
Lucky Me - 2006-05-13
In memory - 2006-01-15