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<<2002-09-05|11:07 a.m.>>
before the tar and the paper

I used to be able to sing. Perhaps it�s the Welsh in me. Perhaps it isn�t. When I was 13 I went on a school trip to an activities camp, there was barely anything to do in the evening and our hut was away from the main building where the majority of people were- where the pool table was and the tv room, it was damp and cold in the night and there was one electric socket per room. My best friend, Liz couldn�t sing, but my other roommate Rhea had an okay voice, so we sang all the old songs our parents used to have on at parties and bbq�s. there were 2 other rooms in the hut with girls in, one room was populated by what I always understood to be the oddball girls but they cheerfully doubled up as slags, the second room was ours and the third home for a week to two rich girls who were desperately trying to make friends with the �popular� girls on our side of the year who were in the main building.

On the last day we were waiting for the coaches to arrive, everyone was in their little or big groups, me and Rhea and Liz were sitting on our cases, talking, when Sarah, one of the sporty popular girls came up to us. She had an attitude problem and could easily be mistaken for a boy if you only heard her voice and didn�t see her long curly hair. She looked down at us and we looked up. She asked if we were �the singers� I said �we sing, but we�re not the singers� she said �what do you sing?� I said "anything, but we�ve been singing the samn damn songs for the last week" she laughed and asked us to sing.

Rhea looked at me with a worried glint in her eye, cuz,yeah, Sarah was a bitch- especially to Rhea, I nodded at her and suggested a song and counted in. And so we sang. At first it was only Sarah who was listening, then her best friend, Kay, came over, and I truly thought they were taking the piss, then her group of friends gathered, and by the time the coaches came, we had the whole camp surrounding us and singing along. We got a round of applause and all the teachers told us how good we were.

The next school year I had to work with Sarah in a music project, we had to make up a radio jingle and we all refused to sing, I told her I couldn�t sing and she said "wait wait, who was that singing at Carroty Wood last year?- it was you, wasn�t it?! Oh my god you were so good!"

I never sang on the tape, but it was a nice compliment and now I ruined my voice with smoking I can cling to it and remember that I did used to have an okay voice.


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