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<<2003-03-11|10:35 p.m.>>
i'm going to gouge your eyes out.

i've been called scary.

i've been called enigmatic.

i've been called unpredictable.


my eyes. people don't like my eyes.

i've always liked my eyes. but... everyone seems to think i look at them like they may as well be dirt.

and i always look pissed off... or "miffed" as Ross would say. i just think a lack of confidence that i used to have and certainly still reserve an element of... sticks to me when i walk on my own. i never focus on shit. my eyes look everywhere and i know i look catistrophically hurt...like 3 of my cats have been run over and dropped off outside on my doorstep and every second i'm reliving this.

only one person outside my family has said i have nice eyes. and another agreed with him. seriously, i might just wear sunglasses everywhere now.


--------- e v e r y t h i n g b u t t h e g i r l ---------

Reflection - 2008-07-19
sleep vs awake - 2008-07-19
It's like space cadet, but not. - 2006-06-22
Lucky Me - 2006-05-13
In memory - 2006-01-15