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<<2002-12-29|3:05 p.m.>>
One day all 7 will die.

turn on the telly and every other story is telling you somebody died.

me and my sister stayed up all night playing cards. even at 5am, there was no light. it was just all grey and the rain fell hard.

i dont know why some people dont like Prince. you can see his manhood in a lot of pictures. being 5 foot nothing and not having flipper feet, i suppose he has to have something good to offer you.

i have entered an argument on the okayplayer freestyle boards because some wise ass thinks it's okay to rape someone. well i disagree. now they're discussing my pussy.

the problem is, i'm not an emcee, i've never professed to be one. i cant even rhyme properly. not even okayish if i'm honest, but i've given it a go and i plan to follow up with a lengthy essay explaining to the author of the post why i believe that it's very different for a woman to talk about being raped and a man to talk about raping a woman.

it's as different as killing and being killed.

i keep sleeping in too long.

if i could, i would give you the world.

i made another banner

and if anyone is a dab hand at html, i'll let you fanny about with my layout if you like, if you can use this picture on it.

my goddamn Prince Hits Vol 1 just skipped.


--------- e v e r y t h i n g b u t t h e g i r l ---------

Reflection - 2008-07-19
sleep vs awake - 2008-07-19
It's like space cadet, but not. - 2006-06-22
Lucky Me - 2006-05-13
In memory - 2006-01-15