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<<2004-01-10|3:23 p.m.>>
Loni and The Job Hunt

Hi, where have I been?

Wednesday I recieved an invitation to interview for a job I had applied for some time last month, so that was nice, I also recieved an email from a job agency asking me to call them back about another post I had applied for.

Well thursday I was up in London real early, well, I woke up at 6am but got on the train at 8:15, early for me, guys.

I sat opposite this woman, maybe 45-55 I don't know but, wow, she'd taken care of herself, she had the firmest stomach in the world, not that I intentionally evaluate people's bodies when I sit opposite them (okay, I do) but there was little else to look at, she had nice trousers too, I liked them, they were patterned.

Apparently my copy typing speed is 40wpm which is impressively average. I met Jehan for lunch, real sweet guy.

Then I went to Oxford Circus to register at another agency.

You know it's really funny about the way people can treat you. the first agency I went to, the girl who was helping me was really unprofessional in an "I'm trying to be professional but it's coming off all wrong and just rude" way. We were kinda chalk-cheesy with each other and then when she was on the phone to someone else-another stranger- she was laughing away and shit I was like "uh, am I some sort of leper?" the SECOND woman was great, really friendly and professional, you know, put you at ease kinda shit.

Any way. Right now I have to make a decision with regard to whether I want to find employment here or in London even though it won't be a career move, but a job move...

With that said, Claire (the second woman), also said that she'd be speaking to another branch about passing my name to publishing houses they deal with.

Any way, I should really be drafting letters now about work experience and cover letters etc for job applications etc. This should be fun.


--------- e v e r y t h i n g b u t t h e g i r l ---------

Reflection - 2008-07-19
sleep vs awake - 2008-07-19
It's like space cadet, but not. - 2006-06-22
Lucky Me - 2006-05-13
In memory - 2006-01-15